Firstly, I wanted to say like.. Please never support or go to FreeFurAll. This con is for and ran by fascists.
But by all means, clown on how bad the con is, and make memes.
My contribution to the pissing in their joke of a ball pit meme, which has been going around twitter.
uhedwjs did this kinda fast, because meme funny, and i wanted to do asap.
............unfortunately, this is the first full body art of Minti that I actually finished (I have another that I've been working on, but it's just lineart).
...i can't believe my first full body drawing i finished of him is him pissing in a ballpit. LMAO
But by all means, clown on how bad the con is, and make memes.
My contribution to the pissing in their joke of a ball pit meme, which has been going around twitter.
uhedwjs did this kinda fast, because meme funny, and i wanted to do asap.
............unfortunately, this is the first full body art of Minti that I actually finished (I have another that I've been working on, but it's just lineart).
...i can't believe my first full body drawing i finished of him is him pissing in a ballpit. LMAO
Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Demon
Gender Non-Binary
Size 808 x 568px
File Size 880.6 kB
Appendix due to the accursed edit time limit:
I imagine the ballpit was the best part of it. Neo Nazis arent really known for posessing humor nor comprehending fun. Suprising enough of them even left moms basement and showed up for the con to happen.
Though well, I hope they atleast one day they gain the self awareness to realize they are an embarassment other people only care about as low hanging fruit for punchlines.
I used to be part of this bullshit (not specifically naziFURS tho) and eventually you just get sick of their shit seeing all the delusions pile up, so long left that.
I imagine the ballpit was the best part of it. Neo Nazis arent really known for posessing humor nor comprehending fun. Suprising enough of them even left moms basement and showed up for the con to happen.
Though well, I hope they atleast one day they gain the self awareness to realize they are an embarassment other people only care about as low hanging fruit for punchlines.
I used to be part of this bullshit (not specifically naziFURS tho) and eventually you just get sick of their shit seeing all the delusions pile up, so long left that.
Oh yeah. From the pictures I've seen on Twitter, so many of them are people banned from other cons. Wasn't the person who hosted the con also someone who's been banned, or like something happened with them at another con? I genuinely forgot, but I remember seeing a thread earlier on it.
Really, genuinely hope that the con doesn't come back. I hope the fact that it failed makes them give up, as well as keep others like them from attempting this again.
Really, genuinely hope that the con doesn't come back. I hope the fact that it failed makes them give up, as well as keep others like them from attempting this again.
That is a lot of pee.
Free Fur All I think was suport to be a con that where individuals could be political, and the rules was more lax.
With stories of con's having ridiculous rules it was ment to be a safe heaven.
Then low funding and fascists spoiled it.
Honestly hosting you're own furmeet at your own home where you are the only attendee.
[I have done that before]
Is way better than stepping foot at this con.
Not to mention you may get more potential drama there than a regular con
Free Fur All I think was suport to be a con that where individuals could be political, and the rules was more lax.
With stories of con's having ridiculous rules it was ment to be a safe heaven.
Then low funding and fascists spoiled it.
Honestly hosting you're own furmeet at your own home where you are the only attendee.
[I have done that before]
Is way better than stepping foot at this con.
Not to mention you may get more potential drama there than a regular con